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PGA British Columbia Golfathon for ALS Presented by Pacific Blue Cross

About the Golfathon

The PGA of BC Golfathon for ALS is a unique event that takes place at over 35 golf courses in BC during the month of June each year. The world of golf saw firsthand the devastation of ALS when Tom Watson’s long-time caddy Bruce Allen was diagnosed with ALS, and later passed away from the disease. Thanks to the global, viral, social media phenomenon – the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge – the world has become very aware of ALS.

PGA golf professionals pledge to golf from sunrise to sunset lending their muscles to support those who have lost theirs to ALS. All donations raised the Golfathons go to provide direct support to people living with ALS, their families and caregivers to ensure the best quality of life possible living with ALS. Learn more about the ALS Society of BC’s programs and services here. These are available to people affected by ALS in BC and the Yukon at no cost to them, thanks in large part to the PGA of BC Golfathon for ALS fundraisers.

Through supporting research, ALS BC is committed to find the cause of and cure for ALS. Our years of tireless work are paying real dividends. Today, Canada’s ALS research community stands on the cusp of a unique innovation flashpoint. Research threads are emerging which build momentum as never before. These threads have the potential to lead to new treatments, earlier detection, and the ability to repair damaged cells. Some have the potential to lead to a cure, but all have the potential to provide new insight within months, not years.  With the injection of millions of dollars raised by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge we believe an effective treatment is near.

ALS can hit anyone, at any time, regardless of age, gender or ethnic origin. The average life expectancy after diagnosis is two to five years. Support equipment costs an average of $140,000.00 per patient; nursing and/or home care costs are up to 10 times that amount.

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